Sunday, 21 February 2010

Glycemic Index Chart

The Glycemic Index is a tool that anyone looking to increase energy, lose fat and just feel better needs to understand. A valuable guide to good and bad carbs.

Its also important to look at the balance of carbs and protein in your diet. Are you're getting the right protein intake?

Does your diet look like this? Cereals and toast for breakfast? Sandwich for lunch? Cereal bars or rice cakes as a snack? And pasta for a dinner? A simple rule would be to focus on getting protein into every meal + use the Glycemic Index for the carbohydrates that you consume.

"My diet had been almost all carbs i had no nutrition going into my body"

All carbohydrates convert to blood sugar-some fast, some slow -and the Glycemic Index Chart measures the rate the conversion takes place.

Eating high-glycemic carbohydrates (ones that turn to sugary quickly) will hinder the fat burning process and will decrease energy levels. Here's why: When you eat high-glycemic carbs, your blood sugar levels soar ; when this happens your pancreas produces insulin. One of the roles of insulin is to keep your blood sugar levels regulated -but its also a storage hormone. When your sugars go up, your body produces the storage hormone to clear the excess sugars. Those sugars end up in fatty tissue. Ultimately, your gaining fat, because internally, your telling your body to store.

here's how it relates to energy levels: When you overproduce insulin, you clear the sugars out of your blood-the end result is that you are now hypoglycemic. What does that mean? Blood sugar levels are lower than they should be, "you crash" or get lethargic, and now your body craves sugars. So what next? You end up overeating , and the cycle continues

By switching to low-glycemic carbs, the energy release is gradual and long lasting which is ideal for athletes, you do not tax your pancreas, you do not over-produce a storage hormone, you feel better and you're in a better position to lose weight or more accurately, burn body fat.

Formula 1 contains soy protein, dietary fibre, minerals and vitamins and fructose carbohydrates and has a low Glycemic Index and thus produces a steady release of energy into the system as required by athletes. It is also the best carbohydrate for weight loss.

The banana the favourite on the Tennis circuit has a medium to high GI index so one needs to eat them every 20 to 30 mins for them to be effective, it is better to take Formula 1.


AVOID CARBONATED DRINKS – system does not respond well to carbon dioxide – slows absorption

SUGAR is unhealthy.

SUGAR triggers a hormonal response which releases insulin. This stores the sugar. The body is put into STORAGE MODE at a time when the body needs to be in RELEASE MODE i.e. making energy available for the sport/activity. If too many carbohydrates then you will only STORE and never RELEASE

SUGAR slows hydration of the cells/muscles which need rehydrating

The Glycemic index is readily available, and tracks virtually every brand of every food. Some of the more common entries are listed below. Each entry is compared to glucose, if the rate that glucose converts to blood sugar equals 100. Numbers lower than 100 mean that food converts to blood sugar slower than glucose-and in terms of your mission to increase energy levels for athletes and burn body fat, the lower the GI index the better

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